The School Enrichment Model is an inclusive teaching model for developing the creativity, talent and potential of all students, including gifted and twice-exceptional students. Based on the belief that "a rising tide lifts all ships", The SEM extends the pedagogy of Gifted Education to the development of the talents of all students, providing each student the opportunities, resources and encouragement to develop their individual potential, through the use of differentiation, enrichment and acceleration strategies. The SEM, based on forty years of scientific research, which can be consulted and downloaded for free from the University of Connecticut website (
Dr Renzulli and Dr Reis have been able to translate their research and theory into teaching materials for teachers to implement the model in schools.
The Schoolwide Enrichment Model : A How-to-Guide for Talent Development '(2014), Prufrock Press, has been translated in Italian and it has been published in Italy under the title "Il Modello di Arricchimento Scolastico. Guida Pratica per lo Sviluppo del Talento"
(J. Renzulli, S. Reis , L. Milan, 2021. Edizioni Junior - Bambini srl).