The SEM Model

Gifted Education

Over the past 40 years, research in the field of Gifted and Talented Education has produced multiple educational models and strategies that have proven to have positive effects on student training. 
The idea that also in Italy different education models should be adopted to meet the educational needs of children with high intellectual potential is suggested by both European and Italian provisions, which justify a review of the educational approaches in order to promote student's individual potential.
It is therefore essential to invest in teachers' training to respond to the unique educational needs of all children, including the educational needs of students with high potential (gifted).

In an increasingly globalized world, individuals need a wide range of skills, known as 21st century skills for lifelong learning, to succeed in the rapidly changing environment. Societies and economies have experienced significant change; innovative digital technologies have had a significant impact, as many of today's jobs did not exist a decade ago and we do not know what kind of jobs our youths will do in the future. Society and economy rely on highly creative and competent people to design the solutions to tackle the demanding problems that haunt our future while competence requirements are changing; in addition to good basic skills (literacy, numeracy and basic digital skills), skills such as creativity, critical thinking, entrepreneurship and problem solving play an increasing role in coping with complexity and change in today's world.
The Schoolwide Enrichment Model

The Schoolwide Enrichment Model, based on forty years research conducted by Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis at the University of Connecticut,  is an inclusive teaching model to develop students' talent, creativity and individual potential.

The SEM enables teachers to infuse enrichment activities in the regular curriculum, seeking a balance between traditional learning approaches and approaches that promote thinking skills, hands-on learning and creative productivity in all students. The goal of the SEM is to minimize boredom and school drop-out and to improve school achievement and creative productivity.

The SEM is based on a broadened conception of giftedness, namely the Three Rings Conception of Giftedness (Renzulli, 1978),  and its core is  the Enrichment Triad Model (Renzulli, 1977a).
Renzulli and Reis think that schools should be places for talent development (Renzulli, 1994) and that all students must be offered the opportunities, resources and encouragement to develop their gifts and talents as and they believe that a rising tide lifts all ships.
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