The Schoolwide Enrichment Model
The Schoolwide Enrichment Model, based on forty years research conducted by Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis at the University of Connecticut, is an inclusive teaching model to develop students' talent, creativity and individual potential.
The SEM enables teachers to infuse enrichment activities in the regular curriculum, seeking a balance between traditional learning approaches and approaches that promote thinking skills, hands-on learning and creative productivity in all students. The goal of the SEM is to minimize boredom and school drop-out and to improve school achievement and creative productivity.
The SEM is based on a broadened conception of giftedness, namely the Three Rings Conception of Giftedness (Renzulli, 1978), and its core is the Enrichment Triad Model (Renzulli, 1977a).
Renzulli and Reis think that schools should be places for talent development
(Renzulli, 1994) and that all students must be offered the opportunities, resources and encouragement to develop their gifts and talents as and they believe that a rising tide lifts all ships.